Dance Cardio
Dance based cardio class for all levels, plus strength training, with final stretching. Simple steps, low impact, high energy, and
Dance based cardio class for all levels, plus strength training, with final stretching. Simple steps, low impact, high energy, and
Dance based cardio class for all levels, plus strength training, with final stretching. Simple steps, low impact, high energy, and
Dance based low impact, moderate intensity cardio class, that will challenge your coordination and flexibility, while boosting your morning mood!
Gentle, modifiable exercises that will increase strength, flexibility, endurance, and heighten body awareness to help prevent falls. Chair Pilates will
This class helps participants stay mobile, strong and steady on their feet. Balancing both sides and various parts of the
Have fun getting fit, grooving your muscles and getting your heart pumped, all while sitting in a chair. Mambo, Cha